๐Ÿฆ Depositing and Withdrawing

Connect Your Wallet

To start using RLD, you'll need to connect your web3 wallet, such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet.

Click the "Connect" button in the top right-hand corner of our platform. This will open up your web3 wallet, allowing us to view information about your wallet, including the amount of specific tokens that you hold.

This will open up your web3 wallet. Click Approve to continue.

Choose a Vault

Once your wallet is connected, you can choose from one of our curated vault products. Each vault displays the APY (Annual Percentage Yield) and the amount currently staked in the protocol. To use a vault, you'll need to approve it, which enables us to move funds from your wallet into the vault.

Approve the Vault

To approve a vault, click the "Approve" button. This will allow us to move funds from your wallet into the vault


Once the vault is approved, you can deposit into the vault. Click deposit to put tokens into the vault. These tokens will then be deposited from your wallet into the underlying protocol where the yield is earned.

As you earn yield, the amount currently staked in the protocol will change. You can monitor your investment by checking the vault dashboard, which displays important information such as your current balance, the current APY, and withdrawal status.


To withdraw funds from the vault, click the "Withdraw" button. This will take funds from the vault and place them back into your wallet.

N.B. Note that some vaults may operate on a withdraw schedule due to how the underlying protocol works. If this is the case, we'll pause deposits and open up withdrawals during a specified window to ensure a smooth user experience.

Last updated