๐Ÿ’Ž GMX and GLP

Protocol Overview

GMX is a decentralized spot and perpetual exchange that supports low swap fees and zero price impact trades.

Trading is supported by a unique multi-asset pool that earns liquidity providers fees from market making, swap fees and leverage trading.

Where does the yield come from?

Our $GMX vault earns fees collected from the protocol in the form of $ETH. These fees are converted back into $GMX and re-staked to increase your share of the pool.

$GLP is staked on GMX and acts as a counterparty to trades performed on the platform. When traders win, funds are paid out from the $GLP pool, when they lose, funds are deposited into the $GLP pool and this earns a yield for liquidity providers. It should be noted that $GLP is a comprised of a basket of assets that make up an index.

What are the risks involved?

With $GMX the main risk involved is that the value of the token may decrease over time. If you are bullish on $GMX then this may be a great vault for you to deposit in and your $GMX will increase over time.

$GLP acts as a counter party to trades, depositors may experience a loss of funds in the short term. Depositors should note that this vault has been prone to price manipulation attacks in the past and this is a risk that should be taken into consideration. However, historically, liquidity providers have received a net positive gain from depositing into $GLP pools.


RLD Takes a 5% performance fee on every compound.

Last updated